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七年级上册《Unit Two Holidays and Festivals Lesson 2 Festivals in China》名师优质课ppt课件

There are some traditional festivals in China. Which festival is an important festival.教important (Double train)

When we talk about the spring festival,do you have any questions about it? That’s right.

The Spring Fesyival ,can you say it in another way?It is only for the Chinese . So we call it. Read the short paragraph 1together.

Let’s go back to the three years.Have a look at it. In 2019, Which month does the Spring Festival come?

Then, in 2018Which month does the Spring Festival come.?

In 2017, does the Spring Festival come in Frbruary?

Who can be the little teacher. Introduce the Spring Festival briefly.

Today our friend Kitty will introduce more information about the Spring Festival. Let’s watch and try to number the whole passage.

Which is Para 1 ,please read from the beginning. It’s a brief introduction. New Year’s Eve. Is it on the first night of the Spring Festival? that’s the last night of last year.

插入录音再听一遍,When do people buy new clothes? How are people before the Spring Festival?

When do people have a big dinner ? On New Year ‘s Eve . It means on the evening before the Spring Festival .The last night of the last year.

What do people usually eat?What is traditional food at the spring festival? What do they usualy do on that night? Do you like watching fireworks . Lets’ enjoy it.插入一段烟花视频

During the festival ,what do people usually do ?