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师梦圆小学英语教材同步译林版三年级起点四年级下册Story time下载详情
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good. maybe you can say these. but what does his father say?listen!

come and have, come and have,”have” means “eat”

his father is so kind. who can be a kind father?

but we know that liu tao is not hungry, he is a thirty, so he says? let's listen. can you read it? (remember: you are not hungry, and you are thirty, try to act)

liu tao is thirsty, so he goes to the kitchen and asks his mother for help.

if you are liu tao, what will you ask for help?(SAY)

ok , let's listen

pay attention to this word,”some”when we ask for help,it is not a real question,so we use “some”

“can i”we should read them together cani

and this “have”means drink .cani drink some water? or you can say: ...

it's his mum's turn, what will she say? listen.

OK, i'm mom, who wants to be liu tao?

now girls are mom,and boys are liu tao. it's time to change

liu tao comes home from the basketball match, he is not well,

his father thinks he must be (师演生答) ,but we know he is not, he is (师演生答),he asks his mother for some water,

he says。。。。

is liu tao feel better now?look at him

he is still not very well and his mother is worried

what does she say?listen

look at the boy, he is sick, so ill means sick.

can you read this word?(hill) we get rid of the “h”so we read it ill . i i ill

liu tao says...?

I want to ...I want to...read them together

if you are tired, you can say i want to...

if you are hungry, you can say i want to

if you are thirty, you can say

if you are ill, you can say

liu tao just wants to go to bed, so he says goodbye to his parents. let's listen

can you read the story now?let's read and imitate. please pay attention to the intonation

well done! now let's try to dub.