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师梦圆小学英语教材同步译林版三年级起点六年级下册Checkout time & Ticking time下载详情
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next Sunday

Jingchuan Park

next weekend

I am going to see the flower show next Sunday.

I am going to have a picnic next Sunday afternoon.

I am going to go to Jingchuan Park next weekend.

My mother is going to buy some snacks and drinks next Friday evening.

Read and find

Tip: be going to 句式运用于将来时时态。

表示将来打算、计划去做某事 。

am going to

am going to

am going to

is going to

Tip: Ask and answer with your partner.

Pair work

My Spring outing plan

There are many beautiful flowers everywhere in spring.

I am going to have a spring outing next Sunday.

Where am I going?

I am going to go to Jingchuan Park with my family.

My mother is going to buy some snacks and drinks next Friday evening.

We are going to see the flower show and have a picnic in the park.

We are going to get there on foot.

We must follow the rules and stay safe on the road.

We are going to have a good time!

Miss Peng’s Spring outing plan

Miss Peng is going to …

… is/are going to …

Let’s talk
