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师梦圆小学英语教材同步湘少版三年级起点五年级上册Unit 1 What does she look like?下载详情
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Step1 Greetings and watch a video.

1. T: Hello, boys and girls, nice to see you! Are you happy today? Everyday is a new beginning. Today I am your new teacher, and you are my new students. And I also have a new friend for you. Let’s have a look.

S: Watch a video. (学生观看微课视频)

2. T: Who is she? What does she look like? Do you remember?

S: She is Sally. She is …. She has…. (看完微课以后,提出问题,根据学生的回答,板书本课重点句型“She is …. She has….”。)

3. T: What other words did you hear in the video? Please write them down on the paper in your group. You can use the markers.

S: 学生以小组为单位,在纸上写出刚才在微课里听到的单词。

4. T: Now please show me your paper and put it on the blackboard.

S: 学生将组内写好的单词或短语张贴在黑板上相应的位置。教师带着学生梳理黑板上的单词并带读。

Step2 Part A.

T: Today Peter and Lingling have a new teacher. What does she look like? Can you guess?

S: I guess…./ I think….

T: Now please take out your sheet, let’s listen and choose.

S: Listen carefully and choose the right answer.

Ask some students to the front to check the answer.

T: Now let’s watch the cartoon and see what she looks like.

S: Watch the cartoon of Part A.

Listen and repeat Part A, read it in roles.

T: Now boys and girls, do you have any questions about the new teacher? For example: How old is she?

S: Raise some questions about the teacher: What’s her hobby? What’s her favorite animal? /…..

(教师根据学生的提问在黑板上梳理出有关人物的思维导图,如:Age, Hobby, Appearance,…)

Step 4 Play a game.

T: Let’s play “Angry Birds”. If you say more, you’ll get more birds.

S: 学生以小组为单位选择描述图片中的人物,说的越多,得分越多。

Step 5 Talk show

T: Look! They are your teachers at school. Who is your favorite teacher?

S: Talk about the favorite teacher.

T: Today we’ll have a “talk show”, you can talk about one of your teachers in your group.(教师用PPT提供一些句型供学生参考运用)

S: 学生以小组为单位谈论自己的一位老师。

T: I make a poem for my teacher. Do you want to see? (课件呈现小诗歌,教师有感情的朗读一遍)
