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师梦圆初中英语教材同步外研版七年级下册Unit 2 Here are some ways to welcome them.下载详情
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2. To talk fluen tly ab out body language people use when they meet in some countries with imperative sentences.Teaching difficult points(教学难点)To develop the re ading skills through activitiesTeaching procedures(教学过程)Teacher



(环节)Design ideas

(设计意图)Self preview

Write a guided learning plan.

(before class)Preview Unit 2 by themselves

(before class)

Complete the guide learning paper.

(before class)学案导学,自主探究 10-15mins 此环节放在课前进行,让学生大致了解学习目标和学习内容,同时为学生自主学习和探究做准备。Step 1 Lead-in

1. Greet the students.

T: Good afternoon, boys and girls! Today we are going to enjoy and play a great show of body language. At first let’s appreciate a silent film by Charplin, a master of body language. Think about one question: What will you do when you are in a room with a lion?

2. Lead in.

① Play a silent film.

②Game: Let students say parts of their bodies quickly according to teacher’s direct. 1. Greet the teacher.


① Enjoy the film

②Say the words quickly.情境导入,明确目标。

①3 mins

②3 mins用默片导入,引出单元话题Body language;通过游戏互动教授新单词,导入课题。调动学生的积极性,营造宽松﹑民主﹑和谐的教学氛围,让学生从中感受英语的魅力,学会有关身体部位的单词,并进一步明确目标。Step 2 Reading:Skimming

1. Lead in

T: Do you enjoy the game? So do you usually use body language? People in foreign countries also do. Let’s listen to a passage and look for their differences.

2. Listen the passage, and answer the questions.

①Who is going to arrive here very soon? (Q-A)

②What countries and places are they from? (Choose)

A. The Middle East

B. North America

C. France

D. Britain

E. South America

