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师梦圆初中英语教材同步外研版七年级下册Unit 2 Here are some ways to welcome them.下载详情
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4. To learn about some foreign culture.

Teaching and learning method:

Teaching methods are Bottom-up approach and PWP approach

Learning methods are activity-based learning, individual work, pair work and group work.

Teaching Procedures:

Step1 Pre – reading

1. Warming up—play a game (pair-work)热身游戏(To learn some words about body)

Game1: Students stand up and face to face in pair, when the teacher says “ Touch your …”, they act out this action.

2. LOOK AND SAY (Pictures and new words)

Game2: Clap your hands (To master the new words better)

Step 2 While reading(扫读,快读,寻读和精读几种不同的阅读方法)

1. Skimming(扫读):find out the right places’ names in the text (独立完成,师友核对)

2. Fast reading: Read the text in silence and then match the paragraphs with the pictures. (独立完成,师友核对)

老师点拨: When you scan, don’t read word by word, try to find the information you need. (寻读时,不要逐词阅读,寻找关键词,勾出你所需要的答案)

3. Know more about the text and fill in the table and then make some sentences.

I can … but I can’t …. or …. in Britain/ Middle East/…..

Purpose: To let the students know about the culture. (文化教育,拓宽视野)

4. Careful reading: Complete the passage with the correct form of the words from the box. (P57-3) (独立完成,师友核对)

Step 3 Post-reading

Summary the main idea of the text and then draw a mind map about the text.

1. Discuss with your partners

2. Draw on the blackboard or notebook. (Ask three pairs to show on the blackboard)

Step 4 Exercise Time

Step 5 Summary and give the prize 本课小结,评出最佳师友组并颁奖

Step 6 Homework


