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师梦圆初中英语教材同步外研版八年级下册Unit 2 I believe that the world is what you think it is.下载详情

外研2011课标版《Unit 2 I believe that the world is what you think it is.》优质课教案下载-太原市优课

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Ask: What should a good friend be like? I think that a good friend should be…

Brainstorm: kind, humorous, bright, able ,clever, smart funny, honest, interesting, nice, helpful…

Ask again: Are you happy to have many friends? Are you afraid to make friends? Have you ever been sad?

II. Speaking

Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions.

When was the last time you felt sad?

Who did you tell that you were sad?

What did you do to feel better?

How can you make other people feel happy?

Do you often smile to make other people feel happy?

III. Reading

Read learning to learn

Skimming: 1.Who is the writer?

2.Where does the story take place? 3.When does it take place?

4.Why is it called A beautiful smile?

●Scanning: Read the passage again and complete the table.

●Careful reading: Read again and answer the questions.

IV. Writing

●Find the paragraphs that describe the following stages.

What happened and when

Where she was and how she felt

Why she felt that way

What happened one day

What happened suddenly

What happened after this

What happened later

What she thinks now

●Write a passage about someone or something that changed your life. Use the stages in Activity 5.

●Show a sample writing.

Enjoy the song

