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师梦圆初中英语教材同步外研版八年级下册Unit 3 Language in use下载详情
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Step I Review

Lingling asked Chen Huan how to become a presenter.

Chen Huan told her she should speak English really well and keep studying.

That is Chen Huan’s opinion.

And what is your opinion?

Students give their different answers.

Step II Reading

1. You have told how to be a presenter.

Look at this boy. He is a presenter. How did he become a presenter?

Maybe we need to get the answer step by step.

First, read through the text and find some expressions about time.

Students should find out the four different time and try to make the four into the right time order.

2. Read again and tell what happened in different time.

3. Retell

4. Tell T/ F

5. Read the passage and decide where you are likely to see the photo.

a) In a book about the history of radio.

b) In the life story of a famous radio presenter.

c) In a book on how radio works.

6. Read and fill the blanks.

Step III

I think you have your own things that you love or are good at. And you may spend a lot on it. Just like some of you are really good at English. You must listen carefully in class, do your homework carefully and after class, you must do a lot more.

Tell what you love doing or are good at and the experiences which show you like doing it and can do it well.


