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师梦圆初中英语教材同步外研版八年级下册Unit 3 Language in use下载详情
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methodsTask - based approach and situational approachTeaching aimsMultimediaType of lessonRevision of Grammar Teaching ProcedureTeacher’s activitiesStudents’ activitiesPurposeTimeStep 1. Lead-in

Listen to a song and sing together.

Ask a question and present two sentences.

I like singing.

She asked she liked singing.

Show the teaching aims.

Listen and sing.

Say the difference between the two sentences.

Read the teaching aims together.

Make students relax.

Lead to the subject of this lesson.

Ask students to know what to do in the class.


Teaching ProcedureTeachers’ activitiesStudents’ activitiesPurposeTimeStep 2. Revision of the object clause.

Play the video about the object clause.

The meaning and the structure of the object clause.

Point out the three aspects of the object clause:

Conjunction, sentence order and tense.

Conjunctions of the object clause.

That / whether / if / wh- / h-

Show the pictures and some sentences.

Show some exercises about the conjunctions.

Show the two sentences and mark them Tor F.

Show some exercises. Ask students to finish them and let students to sum up the tenses of the object clause.

Watch the video carefully and remember the use of the object clause.

Read the sentence and ask students to answer.

Ask students say them together.

Ask students to say them.

Ask students to combine the sentences and have a summary.

Finish some exercises and consolidate the use of the conjunctions.

