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师梦圆初中英语教材同步外研版九年级上册Unit 1 I have some photos that I took in Australia last year.下载详情

九年级上册《Unit 1 I have some photos that I took in Australia last year.》最新教案下载-鄂州市优质课

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3.情感目标:通过做、讲中考题并翻译题干,让学生珍惜现在生活,感恩为自己付出的人。 教具多媒体,题签,黑板流程

Step1. Lead in and draw the mind map(5分)

At first, students review what they have learnt about attributive clauses and the teacher draws the mind map on the blackboard.

设计意图:The brainstorm leads to the class and makes a preparation for the exercises.

Step2. Examination points of attributive clauses(1分)

Students read the examination points of attributive clauses from the outline of the Middle School Entrance Examination.

设计意图:Students know the goals of the study about attributive clauses.

Step3. Exercises(15分)

Students do the exercises about attributive clauses, correct them, then talk about the wrong ones in group. The teacher asks someone that did the exercise incorrectly to explain the key points and continue to draw the mind map.

设计意图:Students remember what they didn’t review about attributive clauses at the beginning of the class and pay attention to the details .

Step4. Free talk(5分)

The teacher asks students to describe their Chinese teacher using attributive clauses.

设计意图:Students practice using the attributive clauses and prepare for the writing.

Step5. Writing(15分)

Students write their favorite movie or song or subject or season or person ..., using at least 2 attributive clauses

设计意图:Students practice using the attributive clauses again and know how to write a composition well.

Step6. Conclusion and finish the mind map(1分)

Students conclude what we have learnt today and finish the mind map.

设计意图:Students form the knowledge system of attributive clauses.板书设计Attributive clauses

定义 三、考点

名词、代词 1. 关系词只用that

修饰作用 2. 主谓一致

结构 四、技巧

先行词-人、物 1. 排除what

关系词-that、who、whom; 2. 从句翻译-找准先行词


本节课作业:完善上课写的 “我最喜欢的…” 的作文。教学后记一、优势:1. 完成了教学目标,解决了教学重点,突破了教学难点。

2. 课堂中体现了以学生为主体的原则,充分调动学生积极思考,课堂参与度高。

3. 复习课紧密链接中考内容,教学内容有深度有广度。

二、不足:1. 讲错题时学生已经讨论会的题不用再去讲解了。

