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师梦圆初中英语教材同步外研版九年级下册Unit 3 Language in use.下载详情
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Ability objectives:

a. The students will be able to master the use and structure of the Passive Voice using different tenses well.

b. The students will be able to know about the special usages of the Passive Voice.

c. The students will be able to write something using the Passive Voice.

Moral objective:

The students have realized the importance of protecting the environment and keeping quiet in public places by doing some writing practice.

Key and difficult learning points:

The use and structure of the Passive Voice using different tenses

b. The special usages of the Passive Voice.

c.How to write something using the Passive Voice

Teaching methods:

Formal and interactive practice

Teaching aids:

Multimedia; handouts

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Leading-in

Greet the students.

Have the students look at the sentences on the screen and tell what the structure of the sentences is and lead in the Passive Voice naturally.


Step2 Revision

Revise the two voices in English and the basic structure of the Passive Voice.


Step3 Having the first contest

Divide the class into seven groups and have the first contest among them.

Get the students to change some sentences using the Active Voice into sentences using the Passive Voice and summarize the structures of the Passive Voice using different tenses. If he or she can,any group member may stand up quickly and give his or her answer. If the answer is correct,his or her group will get a five-pointed star.Finally,the group that gets the most stars will be the winner.


Step 4 Revision

Revise the special usages of the Passive Voice.


Step 5 Having a second contest