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师梦圆小学英语教材同步冀教版三年级起点三年级下册Lesson 6 Can I Help You?下载详情
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Before class, play the song Old MacDonald Had a Farm.

Step2 Greeting

Hello, boys and girls!

Nice to meet you!

Are you ready for English class?

Show a picture of a farm and ask

What’s this?

What’s on the farm?

Play the PPT and ask question

What’s this? Is this a…?

Can it fly / jump ?

What animals can fly / jump ?

1. Lead-in

This class we will learn a story about an animal. Let’s guess, what is it?

It is an animal. It has four legs and a short tail. It has two red eyes and two long ears. Guess, what is it?

Draw a rabbit on the blackboard.

2. Create a situation

(Take out a toy rabbit) Now I’m a rabbit. I want to go to the forest to find my friends. I walk, walk. Oh, no! I can’t walk. I’m stuck. What’s the meaning of stuck?

Who can pull me out? What’s the meaning of pull? (I do actions to help them)

1. Watch the video and do exercise

1) Play the video.

2) Ask questions

Is the rabbit out?

Who pulls the rabbit out?

Ask them to look at the pictures of the book, then find out who the first/ second/ third… is.

2. Read the story

Go through the story and then lead them to understand the story.

The rabbit is stuck, what does he say?

Who comes first?

What does the farmer say?
