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师梦圆小学英语教材同步冀教版三年级起点五年级下册Lesson 11 Shopping in Beijing下载详情
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四、Teaching and learning methods

Situational Teaching approach ; The Audio-Lingual Methods, Pair work and Group work .

五、Teaching tools


六、Teaching procedures

Step1:Warming up


2、Free talk : Guessing : The teacher shows some pictures : Tian’anmen Square , the Palace Museum and the Great Wall .

Ss guess : What are they ? and talk about the three famous places.(设计意图:学生通过观看图片和老师的肢体语言复习北京的景点,来激活学生们的已知。)

Step2 Lead-in(Create context)

Teacher shows a video about shopping and asks students : What am I doing ??Yes, I am shopping .And I want to buy sth . for my family. Ask students : What do I want to buy for my mother ? (此处让孩子们猜测老师会为母亲、父亲, 丈夫和儿子各买什么,目的是为了激发孩子们想知道答案的兴趣和激活他们大脑中已有的相关服装,食物及玩具等英语词汇,突破重点,并为下文活动做铺垫。同时老师边讲边板书:buy...for...。同时也渗透了老师关心爱护家人。)

Step3 Presentation

1、Show the Picture of Wangfujing Street. (此处用易点慧让学生跟读这个词组,因为本词不太容易朗读。)

Teacher: (This is Wangfujing Street .You can buy sth. on it . In this lesson Danny ,Jenny, Li Ming and Mrs. Li are shopping on Wangfujing Street .

2、Read Part 1 and underline the answers to the follow two questions.

Question1:What does Jenny buy for her family?

Jenny Buys a scarf for her mother ,some tea for her father ,a kite for her sister and a cap for her brother.(用易点慧跟读,突破难点, 并且把这四个小短句板书在黑板上,然后教室抽查不同学习水平的学生朗读黑板上的句子,目的是了解不同层次的学生对重点句子的掌握程度。)

Question2 :

Is Danny busy ? Yes, he is .Why? Because he looks in fifteen shops.(同时用自然拼读学习busy 并归纳 bus 和buy 拼写都和busy 有关。)(解决完问题之后,老师再询问一下孩子们:Who has other questions?比如解决“kind”等)

3、Listen . ( the first time listen ,the second time listen and repeat)

Read part 1 by yourselves.

Step 4 . Practice

1、Answer the questions:

Questions 1:

What does Danny buy ? He buys a big Panda.

Question 2 :

What happens to Danny’s tail ? His tail hurts.

Group work :Role play part 1.提示:小组可选择自己喜欢的方式读,可齐读,,一人一句读,三人读一人翻译汉语,组长领读等。(此目的是为了培养学生的自主性和充分体现课堂的民主性。)

3、Show time .

Step 5 Consolidition :
