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师梦圆小学英语教材同步冀教版三年级起点五年级下册Lesson 11 Shopping in Beijing下载详情
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T:Let’s chant together

T:Who is this. S:This is Jenny.

S:Who is that? That is Danny.

T:What do they do in the Unit2.They visit Beijing. They go to many places .Let’s guess.


T:What is it? What are these? Ss:These are many old houses.

T:What colour is it? It’s beautiful. How old is it?


T:What is it? S:It is very long.

How long is it? How old is it? Danny says he is a true man.


How about this one? It’s Tian’anmen Square. It is very big. They can fly a kite on the square. Today They go to a new place. Look at the picture. It’s Wangfujing street. What do they do in wangfujing street? Can they fly a kite? Can they swim?Can they watch the animals? They can go shopping there. Today we will learn “Shopping on wang fujing street”.


Do you like go shopping?Yes ,me too.This is my my child .Her shoes are old .I want to buy shoes for my child.What do you want to buy for your famliy?

Step3. Reading

1.watch the video,order the picture

Let’s see What happens to Danny and Jenny.There are five picture.Let’s look at the picture one by one.What is in the picture?Please watch the video and number all the pictures.

Let’s read the whole passage fast and answer the question.

Does Danny go shopping?

What does Jenny buy?

Is Danny busy?

What does Danny buy?

3.Read the text fill the blank. Let’s read the detail,then fill the blank.

4.Talk about the picture

Step 3: Presentation.

Read the dialogue and act the it in different role.

Can you talk about the picture.

Let’s watch the video again, then read in different roles

Step 4: Homework

1. Read the text.
