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师梦圆小学英语教材同步冀教版三年级起点五年级下册Unit 2 Review下载详情
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(2) Give information orally describing one’s trip.

4. Emotion aim:

(1) Let the students get funs from the trip to Beijing.

(2) The student should love Beijing and our country.

5. Main point: The student can describe the beautiful places in Beijing.

6. Teaching aids: CAI, cards.

7. Teaching methods and learning methods: TPR, Group-works .

8. Teaching steps:

Step 1 Class Opening and Review


What’s your favourite colour? What’s do you like to do? What’s your favourite city?


Step 2 New Concepts

(1)Use the CAI to show a tourist track. Created a situation of traveling.

T: I have two-day holiday , I want to go on a trip to Beijing? Which place do you want to go?

(2)Show some pictures of the beautiful places in Beijing . Then review the names of the famous places.

(3) Then show a picture of Tian’anmen Square. There are many people on Tian’anmen Square. Let the student talk about : What are they doing?


(5) Arrive at the Palace Museum. A foreigner wants to visit the Palace Museum . Then let the students talk about how to help him.


(6) Arrive at the Great Wall. It is very famous in the world. Let the student listen to the guide. Then answer some questions about the short passage.

Step 3: Practice

Read the short passage, Then answer the questions.


(6) Arrive at Wangfujing Street. Let the student talk about what do they want to buy for their family?

Step 5: Classing Closing

Teaching Plan