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师梦圆初中英语教材同步科普版九年级下册Section C下载详情
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4. Learning strategies:


2)利用图片和文字信息完成短文的信息输出。如:完成part 2和 write a short passage about Monkey King according to part 3.

Ⅲ. Teaching aids


Ⅳ. Teaching procedures



patternsTeacher activityStudent activityRemarks1Getting students ready for learningClass activity1.Greeting.

2.Ask students to report the homework.1.Greeting.

2.Introduce their favorite writers.2RevisionClass activityAsk students to introduce famous writers in brief according to their notes. Introduce famous writers they searched on the Internet or other books.检查作业情况,让学生口述作文,同时为本节课的英语学习做好知识衔接和铺垫。3Pre-readingGroup workAsk students to talk about some foreign famous poets.Talk about some foreign famous poets in groups and try to exchange the information with each other.学生小组讨论可以形成信息交换,扩充彼此的知识库。Class activityAsk two students to report the result of discussion.Report the result of discussion.4While-reading

Individual work1.Let the students read the passage and understand the general meaning of the passage .

2.Guide students to read the passage paragraph by paragraph to answer the questions in 1b. 1.Read the passage quickly and try to

get the general meaning of the passage.

2.Read the passage paragraph by paragraph to finish 1b. 通过略读使学生整体了解课文大意。


Group workAsk students to scan the sentences and finish 1c. Read the passage carefully and match the words with their meanings. Finish 1c. 培养学生能根据上下文推断、理解生词的含义。6Pre-writing

Group work1.Guide students to understand the meaning of given words in 2 in group.

2.Let students fill in the blanks with the given words and phrases.

3.Guide the students to understand the meanings of the expressions and match them with the correct pictures in 3. 1.Discuss the meaning of the given words and phrases.

2.Finish 2 and check the answers in groups.

3.Discuss the meaning of the sentences in 3 and match them with the correct pictures.7While-writingIndividual work1.Ask students to write a story of the Monkey King according to the materials in 3. They may use the key words in 2.

2.Guide students to proofread their works.1.Write a story of the Monkey King according to the materials in 3. They may begin like this:

Long long ago, there was a rock which later became a magic stone egg...

2.Learn to proofread their compositions, and they can also proofread each other. 在写作之后学会校对拼写、语法和标点错误,也可以互相校对,完善自己的作品。8Post-writing

Summarizing and assigning homeworkClass activityAsk two students to show their stories. Read their stories. 学生读完自我校对过的短文后,教师要给予适时评价。Class activity1.Ask two students to sum up the key points.

2.Repeat the key points.

3.Assign homework. 1.Sum up the main content of this class.

2.Read through what you have learnt after the teacher.