师梦圆 - 让备课更高效、教学更轻松!
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New sentences: I can make … I can give …

(二)Difficult points

Retell the storys

Teaching aids

Multimedia, carnations , cards, biscuits

Teaching procedure

Warm up

1. Greeting

Listen to a song : Happy mother’s day .


1. Introduce Mother’s Day .

T: Mother’s Day is On May 14th . It’s a big big day .

2. Show PPT 5—8 . Teach new words : give, hug, kiss, carnations, write , letter .

(1) Teacher ask : Mother’s Day is coming . What can I do for Mum ?

(2) Show PPT . Teach new words : read one by one , two by two ,group by group .

3. Introudce Sally , Sally’s mother , puppy . Let children to make a topic of this story .

4. Teach pictures book . (PPT 11--17)

(1) Give the question: What does Sally do for Mum ? Get pupil to think of this question .

(2) Show PPT 13—15 . Play the picture book . The class look and listen .

(3) Ask the question: What does Sally do for Mum ? Students answer : Make breakfast .

(4) Teach the new words : make, breakfast .

(5) Ask the question: Are biscuits mother’s favorite? Students answer : Yes, biscuits are her favorite.

(6) Teach the new words: biscuit , biscuits .

5.Teach pictures book . (PPT 18--25)

(1) The class continute reading the picture .(PPT18--19)

(2) Ask the question: Are Sally’s biscuits good ?

Students answer : Yes, because biscuits can be …

(3) The class make biscuits by themselves : A biscuit can be a …

(4) Look for regularity :biscuit, bear, bus, bicycle, butterfly, banana.

(5)Then say chant together :