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师梦圆小学英语教材同步人教(PEP)版三年级起点三年级下册Useful expressions下载详情

人教(PEP)2011课标版三年级起点(吴欣主编)《Useful expressions》精品教案下载-保定市优质课

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难点:在实际情景中运用句型Is it in/on/under.... Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t .





Step 1: Warm-up

Make greetings. (T: Good afternoon, boys and girls.

Ss: Good afternoon, Miss Lan. T: How are you? Ss: I’m fine, thank you. )

Let’s do together. (Teacher and student do actions together.)

Step 2: Presentation

The teacher presents the pictures of Zoom and Zip, then tells students , Zoom and Zip go to the zoo, so teacher asks students to go to zoo with them together.

Look at Miss White and her students , they are at the zoo. They are talking about the animals. (T: What animals do you see? Ask some students to say what animals they see.)

Teacher presents a picture of giraffe , let boys and girls look carefully and describe it. (eg. Look at the giraffe , it’s so tall . Look at the body , it’s so big . It has a big body and so on.)

The teacher presents another picture of elephant , tell children to talk about it in their groups , then choose two groups to describe it in the front of the blackboard. At the same time , teacher gives them cards.

Look at the elephant picture again , learn the difficult sentences: “ It has small eyes and big ears.”

Go on look at the ostrich picture and describe in groups, then make practices.

Follow the teacher to know Tutu and say sentences. Then describe Miss Lan and some students.

The teacher leads words ‘desk and chair ’by finding Zip ,at the same time , teacher asks :“Where is Zip?”Then let students guess and say:“Is it in/on/under...? Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.”

Ask children to consolidate the words :“book, pencil, bag, ruler and so on”, then make sentences in groups. In this step, teacher tells children to perform.

Step 3: Consolidation

1 . Let’s do together.(Listen and do actions.)

2. The teacher says Zoom and Zip are going home , let students review the key sentences and help Zoom and Zip go home.

3. Look students in our class and practice useful expressions in unit 3 again.

4. The teacher hides her crayon , let students guess and practice useful expressions in unit 4 again.

Step 4: Summary

Sum up the key sentences by following the teacher.

Blackboard design:Appendix

It’s so big/tall/fat.... Where is ...?

It has.... Is it in/on/under...?
