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Review:复习上节课所学的一些traffic light 标志。

Free talk/故事预测。<A new friend>并为下面新知的呈现巩固创设情境做铺垫。

(1)T: Boys and girls, before our new lesson, let me introduce a new friend to you. Look, this is Mr zebra, he is going to the city. Well, he is in the city now! And this is the first time for him to be in the city. He sees so many cars /so many lights.

(2)T: Look, boys and girls, what color is it? Look at the first/second/third light pls.

Ss: red light/ green light/yellow light.

(3) yes, but what is it for? Do you know? Ss:……

(4) T: But , Mr zebra doesn’t know. So, he is so happy that he runs here and there. Wow, it’s dangerous he must slow down/stop!

(5)T: Now, Mr zebra has a doubt: when must I slow down or stop? At that moment he meets Mrs smith. She can help Mr zebra.

3. Presentation

(1)出示黄灯课件及新知:Slow down and stop at a yellow light.

Phonic教学,以旧引新教授slow down 和 stop,如:由单词yellow的发音引导学生读出slow 的发音。

T:pls look at the blackboard boys and girls. Yellow, ow souds…(ow 发音)。引导学生读出后。接着教授词组slow down 的读音,然后检查学生单词及整句话的读音情况。最后出示PPT引导学生用上节课所学句型:we must…进行词句结合操练、巩固。

(2)出示红灯课件及新知:stop and wait at a red light.

用同样方式(phonics 教学、以旧引新)教授新词,句子。如:师用刚学过的词 go straight 中ai 的发音教授单词wait。及句子操练。

(3)出示绿灯课件及新知:go at a green light.


(4)Let’s say :进一步检查巩固新知。


呈现Mrs smith 带新朋友Mr zebra,去自然公园玩耍。

1.T:Now , zebra makes friends with them. Look , they are in the road side now, the light turns red . Can they go? 引导生答Ss: No, pls wait and stop.

T: look the light turns green, can the go? Ss: yes.

2.呈现课件:Now, they are in the park .they see so many beautiful scenery here (enjoy some pictures) After that.,they play many games here.

Game1: listen and repeat.

Game2: golden eyes.

Game3: Have a match.

Game4: fill in the blank.

Game5: have a choice.

游戏可以让学生巩固本节课所学知识,激发学生的兴趣,为学生创设和谐的气氛,可以促进儿童记忆力的发展, 提高儿童英语听说读写、综合能力。
