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师梦圆小学英语教材同步人教(PEP)版三年级起点六年级上册Recycle 1下载详情
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重点:学生能够表演Let’s talk 中的对话,并能在真实情景中运用。

难点:了解be going to 表示将来发生的动作的基本用法,并加以简单运用。


Step1 Warming up

Sing a song

Free talk

T: Boys and girls, what day is it today?

S: It’s Friday.

T: Great! What day is it tomorrow?

S: It’s Saturday.

T: Oh! Weekend is coming. Are you happy? Today we are talking about weekend plan.(引出课题My weekend plan)


T: Boys and girls! Do you like weekend? We have a kind of weekend. We have a happy weekend, busy weekend, meaningful weekend. What do we often do on the happy weekend?

S: We often... on the happy weekend.(根据多名学生的回答,复习了之前学的句型和很多的动词短语)

T:What about busy weekend?

S: We often... on the busy weekend.(根据学生的回答出示多个动词短语)

T: What about meaningful weekend?

S:We often... on the meaningful weekend.(出示多个之前学过的动词词组)

T: We can do many things on the weekend,but this weekend, I am going to be busy, but I am happy.Can you guess? What am I going to do this weekend?(引出新句型)

引导学生用You are going to... 来猜。



引出Let’s try

T:How do you think of my weeekend? You know my weekend is very busy,What about our friends Mike and Sarsh?

播放Let’st try 的录音,叫学生核对答案。

教学Let’s talk

引出Let’s talk

T: Mike can’t go swimming this Saturday. What about Sunday? What are Mike and Sarah going to do tomorrow?(出示问题,学生读题,听录音,回答问题)

Listen again and fill in the blanks.
