师梦圆 - 让备课更高效、教学更轻松!
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By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to :

understand and use the vocabulary: Sounds great!

learn to ask and answer: Where did you go?

How did you go?

What did you do?

Ability Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to :

1. ask and answer the question in the past tense.

2. cooperate and communicate with others in group work.

Affective Objectives:

Students will be more interested in asking others’ traveling experience, and they also know what they should do when they travel.

【Teaching Key Points】

Students will be able to talk about others’ traveling experience

【Teaching Difficulties】

Ask and answer the questions in the past tense.

【Teaching Method】

The Communicative teaching method, Task-based teaching method

【Teaching Time】

40 minutes

【Teaching Materials】

PPT, the traveling photos of the students

【Teaching Procedure】

Step1 Warm-up

1.Greet with the students and chant together.

2. Free talk: the teacher shows the picture of their Hefei traveling, and they talk about it according to the three questions.

Q1 Where did you go last month?

Q2: How did you go there?

Q3: What did you do?

(设计意图:利用动画chant,可以活跃课堂气氛,将同学们拉入到本课所学习的课程当中。Free talk部分利用利用同学们上个月去合肥研学的电子图片,提出了三个问题Where..., How...,What..., 这三个问题的句型结构是孩子们以前学习过的,对他们来说不难,只不过时态变成了过去式,在第二单元孩子们对过去式也有了简单的了解和掌握。通过讨论孩子们上个月去合肥的研学活动勾起了同学们美好的回忆,调动了同学们的热情,导入了本节的话题。自然地导入主题。)

Step2 presentation