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Max met(见到)Wu Yifan's parents.

What's the matter with Wu Yifan's mum?

She didn't feel well.

What did Max do to Robin?

jumped on and licked(舔)

Why did Max like Robin?

played the part (角色)of a dog

He dressed up (打扮) and made a funny play (表演).

What did Wu Yifan's family do?

They rode a bike for three people(三人座).

1. What’s the date and how is the weather?

2. Where did Max sit?

3. What did Wu Yifan’s family do in the morning?

4. Why did they stayed in the hotel in the afternoon?

6. What did Max do to Robin?

It’s April 23rd and it was sunny.

It sat in a basket on the front of the bike.

They took pictures, bought gifts and ate delicious food.

Because Wu Yifan’s Mum ate bad food and didn’t feel well .

It jumped on him and licked him.

5. What did they do for Mum?

They dressed up and made a funny play.

1.Friday was a rainy day. ( )


2.Max sat in a basket. ( )

3. Wu Yifan’s family took pictures, bought gifts and ate delicious food in the afternoon. ( )

Read and tick or cross.


1. Why did they stay in the hotel in the afternoon?