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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版七年级上册Reading 2: The fashion show下载详情
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further understand the article by retelling the story.

grasp the language points and know how to use them properly.

know how to talk about attire in the real language situation.

experience the feeling of success and cooperate with others in activities.

V Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty

grasp the language points in the article and use them properly.

use the language points to talk about attire in the real language situation.

VI Teaching strategies:

Teaching methods: Task-based method, communicative approach

Learning strategies: Autonomic learning and cooperative learning

VII Teaching aids: Whiteboard, multimedia

VIII Teaching procedures:

Step 1: Lead in &review(about 5 mins)

T: Just now we watched a fashion show. Do you like it? What can you see at the fashion show?

The Class1, Grade7 students have a fashion show at the school hall. How many models are mentioned? Who are they?

T: After the fashion show, the students in Class1, Grade7 vote for their favourite fashion star. If you can also vote, who will you vote for? Why?

Purpose: To arouse students’ interest and activate their desire to learn. To lead in the topic of this lesson quickly by talking with students. To help students be engaged in the language environment. To activate the students’ prior knowledge.

Step 3: Presentation &practice (about 25 mins)

T: Let’s have a look at the voting result. Who gets the most votes?

Activity1:What is Amy wearing?

be made of

T: What is Amy's yellow blouse made of?


the order of adjectives

T: a yellow cotton blouse

a blue cotton/wool/silk scarf

Can you find out more phrases like these in the passage?

T: Look at two more examples:

a pair of long blue cotton jeans

a pair of long red leather boots
