师梦圆 - 让备课更高效、教学更轻松!
师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版七年级上册Welcome to the unit下载详情
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Step1 Warm-up

1) Watch a video,then ask the students :What are they doing?

2 )Show a picture, then ask the students: Can you say the names of the food?

Step 2 Show the teaching aims.

Step 3 Review the new words and ask the students to read the words loudly.

Step 4 Show some pictures and teach the students different kinds of food.

Step 5 Read the names of food loudly.

Step 6 Play a game.

Remember the pictures quickly ,then answer : What is missing?

Step 7 Help Millie put the food into the correct groups in the table on Page 69

Step 8 Have the students tell which words are countable nouns and which are uncountable nouns.

Step 9 Have the students work in pairs and talk about their likes and dislikes about the food.

Step 10 Listen to the tape and answer some questions.

Step 11 Ask the students to read the conversation loudly.

Step 12 Explain the language points.

Step 13 Do some exercises.

Step 14 Ask the students to discuss:

1) How to keep healthy?

2) Can you give us some advice?

Step 15 Ask the students to share their advice .

Step 16 Summary.

Step 17 Watch a video about some unhealthy food.

Step 17 Homework.

Finish off the exercises on the sheet.
