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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版七年级下册Task: An invitation letter下载详情
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I. Ask students some questions:

When is your birthday?

Do you have a birthday party?

And get them to talk about their birthday in pairs according to the questions.

Where will you have the party?

When will you have the party?

What will you have for food?

Who will you invite?

II. Listen to the invitation letter, and answer some questions.

1. Who will have a birthday party?

2. Where will she have the party?

3. When will she have the party?

4. Who will she invite?

Listen to the tape and answer the questions.

1. Who will have a birthday party?

2. Where will she have the party?

3. When will she have the party?

4. Who will she invite?

IV. Listen to the tape again. Then explain some useful expressions.

1. have a birthday party 举行一个生日聚会

2. invite sb. to … 邀请某人去……

3. prepare…for… 为……准备……

4. plenty of = a lot of 大量,充足

5. the way to… 去……的路

V.Tell them how to organize a birthday party.

1) Write an invitation letter

2) Show the map and write the route.

Give them some useful expressions.

1. I am going to have a Christmas /birthday… party.

2. I am happy to invite you to …

