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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版七年级下册Task: An invitation letter下载详情
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Cross the bridge and turn left.

Walk across the bridge and turn right.

Take the first turning on the left.

Turn right at the second turning.

Cross the road at the traffic lights.

Cross the road at the zebra crossing.

Walk past the police station.

Walk to the police station.

Where does the man want to go?

Did the woman show the way for him?

Where does the woman want to go?

Who would you like to show the way for? Why?

be polite

be helpful

The school Open Day is coming. Many guests will come to our school. We can show them around our school. During this class, some of you will be guests and others will be guides. Make a dialogue according to the map.

At the South Gate

Guest: Excuse me, could you tell me the way to Taoli Pavilion?

Guide: Of course. Let me show you the way. Go through the South Gate and walk straight on. Turn left at the first crossing. Walk along the path. Take the first turning on the right. Walk straight on and you will see Taoli Pavilion on your left.

Guest: Thank you very much! How long does it take if I walk there?

Guide: About five minutes.

Guest: What can I do there?

Guide: There are many beautiful trees and flowers around it. You can enjoy it. You can also have a rest there.

Guest: Thanks for your help!

Guide: You are welcome! Have a nice day!


1. The whole group will act in front of the class.

2. Three students act out the guest’s dialogue, three students act out the guide’s dialogue.

3. Prepare time: 3-5 mins

4. Show time: 2-3mins

5. Other groups first watch, then finish the score sheet.

