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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版七年级下册Task: An invitation letter下载详情
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本单元以“Find your way”为标题,与“指路”这个话题类似或者有关联的话题在小学教材里面出现过,学生看到某些标记能够说出与它相应的短语或者句子。但学生在表达路线时,会错误运用表达方位的词汇。另外,学生在学习策略和文化意识方面还存在诸多问题。有些同学缺乏小组合作意识,无法通过小组合作的方式,评价出小组内的最佳作品;一些学生没养成良好的学习习惯,不善于抓住作文中的重要信息,不注意知识的巩固和积累。针对这种情况,作为教师,我要努力做好中小学的衔接,适当放慢教学进度,并在教学设计时,通过创设情境,多利用趣味性的活动,提高学生学习兴趣。




Step 1:Pre-task

学生观看繁忙都市生活的小视频,引入话题“get lost”,教师询问:Have you ever got lost? How do you feel?让学生自由回答并描述迷路的感受。

创设情境,班级两名同学去班主任张老师家,由于不认识地图迷路了,请求帮助。教师说:They got lost because they don’t know how to read the map. Can you help them?

Step 2:While-task

1、Presentation (show the way)

(1)呈现新知识:根据书本B部分地图内容,画出路线图、学习如何指路并完成书本练习(How to get to Suzy’s home)。教师说:Let’s learn how to get to Suzy’s home. First, you should draw the route in the map, and then, complete the directions according to the map.

(2)自主研学+展示:学生根据提供的去张老师家的地图,指出路线,如何到达张老师家。教师说:Now you know how to find the way. Here is the map to Ms. Zhang’s home. Please help the two students to get to her home.

2、Presentation (letter)

(1)继续创设情境,两名同学是去张老师家送邀请函的,因为张老师生日快到了,班级同学为她秘密举办了生日派对,教师提问:What can you do for her party,呈现图片,学生进行brainstorming。教师说:Let's hold a birthday party secretly. 教师继续提问:

Where shall we have the party?

What food shall we have?

Who shall we invite to the party?

同时呈现本课四会单词和短语:prepare for、plenty of等并进行操练。

教师告诉学生,如果想邀请老师、长辈,要用正式的邀请方式,引入“邀请函”话题。教师说:If you want to invite your parents and teachers to the party, you should write them an invitation letter. It’s a polite and formal way.

告诉学生:Suzy is going to have a birthday party at her home. Read her invitation letter and answer the questions.

a.When and where is Suzy going to have her birthday party?(She’s going to have the party at home this weekend.)

b.What time will the party start? (It’ll start at 2 p.m. on Sunday, 21 April.)

c.What will her parents prepare for the children? (Her parents will prepare plenty of food and drinks for them.)


I would like to invite you to a party.

I am looking forward to seeing you at the party.

Step 3:Discussion

小组讨论+展示:让学生归纳邀请函要包含的内容(类型、理由、时间、地点等),学生讨论并总结出useful expressions。

Step 4:Writing

1、教师说:Now it’s your turn to invite Ms. Zhang to the party. You need to write an invitation letter to her. First, please discuss some details of the letter with your partner.


