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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版七年级下册Grammar:Cardinal numbers & Ordinal numbers下载详情
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Then tell the students ,“When we want to count the things ,we use cardinal numbers.”

Step2: Presentation

1.Show the cardinal number from 1 to 1,000,000,000

Ask the students to find out the rule

?2.Show the rule to the student:

(1)We put?and?between hundred and ten, but we don’t add s?to hundred

(2) In the cardinal numbers,?we do not add s to hundred,?thousand and million

Step3: Practice

Group work. Ask the students to write down the numbers on the check. Then, they should read the numbers to their partners. Their partners should write down the numbers.

Step4: Presentation

Tell the students how to say telephone numbers in English and do some exercises.

Part Two: ordinal numbers

Step5: Presentation

1.Show the students 12 months and tell them when we want to express order, we use ordinal numbers.

2.Teach the students how to read and write ordinal numbers.

3.Ask the students to work out the rules by themselves.

Step6: Pair work

Ask the students to use ordinal numbers to express date and finish the dialogue with the partner.

Step7: Consolidation

Do some exercises about cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers

Step8: Task

Ask students to write a short passage. The passage should include five cardinal numbers and five ordinal numbers.

Step9: Homework

Do a survey: find out your classmates’ birthdays and ages.

