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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版八年级上册Integrated skills下载详情
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Ⅲ. Teaching Aids


IV. Teaching methods

T-s and S-s interactions and cooperation

Ⅴ. Teaching procedures

Step 1 Lead-in

Enjoy a video about a weather report.

Ask: What is he? Do you want to be a …? If you want to be a …, you should finish four tasks.

【Teaching intention:To lead in the lesson and arouse Ss’interest.】

Task1 Reviewing and learning new expressions about the weather and temperature.

Step 2 Before listening

1. Free talk

What’s your favourite season?

【Teaching intention:To review seasons of the year that they have learned. 】

2. Look and learn

(1) Teach the weather signs by showing the weather and temperature in Nanjing and Sydney. Tell the students how to read “10°C” and “-2°C” and tell them they are the highest and the lowest temperatures.

(2) Show the students how to tell the weather and temperature in one sentence. Teach them to learn more expressions about the weather and temperature after the teacher.

(3) Teach the new expressions “drop to/rise to, drop below zero/stay above zero”.

【Teaching intention:To learn new expressions about the weather and temperature. 】

Task2 Different seasons have different weather.

Step 3 Presentation

1. Guess the possible season according to the weather report.

Ask the students to read the weather reports for different seasons in Beijing, find the sentences about weather and temperature, and guess which season it is. Point out some new expressions in their learning plan.

2. Practice reading the weather reports in pairs.

【Teaching intention:To put what they have learned into use. 】

Task3 Different places have different weather in the same season.

Step 4 While listening

1. Show the world map and introduce the four cities.

2. Listen to the weather report about four cities. Listen carefully and complete the table on page 87. check the answers.

3. Talk about the weather in different cities.
