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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版八年级上册Integrated skills下载详情
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Step1 Lead-in

T: What International charities do you know?

S: WWF/Oxfam/ORBIS/UNCEF (Look at these pictures)

T: What charity can help them?

( Show four pictures and ask each group to choose a picture, ask students to read a passage and say “What charity can help them?”)

Picture one

Mrs Black was blind at the age of sixty. Now ten years past, she still can't see anything because she is very poor and has no enough money to go to hospital.--- ORBIS

Picture two

Some restaurants sell dishes made in rare animals. The animals are protected by laws(法律).-- WWF

Picture three

Mr Jone is out of work now. The factory he has worked in bankrupted(破产) last month. He and his workmates lost their jobs and they have less and less money to support their families.-- Oxfam

Picture four

Children in poor areas in Africa don’t have enough food to eat or enough houses to live in. They are ill, but they can’t go to hospital; They are old enough, but they can’t afford to go to school.--- UNCEF

Step2 presentation

T: Which charity can help these children?


T: UNCEF works to provide children with f_______, houses, m_______ and basic e _____________.

T: Would you like to raise money for UNICEF? Let’s complete the following tasks to raise

money for UNICEF

Step3 Task One:100¥each question

Read the short passage of A1 and answer the questions.

1. When was UNICEF set up?

2. What changed children's life at that time?

3. How many countries and areas does UNICEF work in?

4. What does UNICEF do to help?

5. How does UNICEF raise money?

Step4 Task two: 200¥

Listen and Put the sentences in the crrect order according to the listening.

Step5 Task three:200¥
