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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版八年级上册Welcome to the unit下载详情
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Exercises on words

Match the words on the left with the meanings on the right.

be crazy about a very bad

repair b make something full of something else

terrible c go to

fill d like something very much

advise e fix

attend f tell someone what you think he/she should do

4. Listen and answer the questions:

How many DIY jobs did Andrew do?

Is he good at DIY?

5. Read and retell each paragraph

Para. 1 Introduction of Andrew be crazy about… repair things

decorate the house But……

Para. 2 Andrew’s DIY jobs

Para. 3-4 Andrew’s DIY jobs

1 Putting in a brighter light a No books could stay on it.

2 Putting up a picture b He hit a pipe and filled the room with water.

3 Painting the living room c The whole house had a power cut.

4 Putting up a shelf d The cat is blue now.

Para. 5 My advice to Andrew

You should buy some books to learn more about it.

Thinking twice is very important. You should think first and make plans before beginning his DIY job.

Sometimes advice is useful to you. You should listen to it.

DIY is not easy. You should be patient and be careful.

6. Exercises

Suzy’s cousin loves doing DIY.

Suzy’s cousin failed to put in a new light in his bedroom.

Suzy’s cousin put a picture on a pipe.

Suzy’s cousin thought the cat was boring, so he painted it blue.

