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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版八年级下册Study skills: Facts and opinions下载详情

八年级下册(2013年11月第2版)《Study skills: Facts and opinions》集体备课教案下载-玉溪市优质课

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e.g. T: What’s the weather like today ? Ss: It’s sunny﹨…

T: That’s a fact . What do you think of the weather?

Ss: It’s nice ﹨… T: OK, that’s your opinion .But I think …

2. Write on the Bb : Facts and opinions



1.Show a picture of our school and ask :

What’s this ? What do you think of our school ?

2. Show their answers on the screen and ask Ss to decide which are opinions and which are facts .

3. Show a picture of Starlight Town and ask :

1)Do you still remember Starlight Town?

2)What has changed in the environment ,the transport and the living conditions?

3)What do you think of Starlight Town? And why?

4.Show their answers on the screen and ask Ss to discuss in groups :

which are opinions and which are facts ?

5.Show an accurate definition to Ss:

Facts are true statements. They include names, dates, events and numbers.

Opinions tell what we believe, feel or think. When people say something beginning with I think ,I believe or I feel, or using adjectives like good, bad and terrible, that must be their opinion.


1.Ask Ss to open their books and read more example sentences to decide which are opinions and which are facts .

2.Ask Ss to know more about the difference between facts and opinions .


1.Ask Ss to finish part A by themselves and then answer it one by one .

2. Ask Ss to make sentences with facts and opinions .


1.Show a picture of Tangzhang Town and Sunshine Town, and then ask some questions to guide Ss to answer .

2.Show their answers on the screen and teach Ss how to write an article using facts and opinions :

When we write, we can use facts to support our opinions.

We can also give facts first, and then state our opinions. Sometimes, facts and opinions may be mixed together when we write.

