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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版八年级下册Study skills: Facts and opinions下载详情
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Down some of the answers,

?e.g. ①I think Starlight Town is a modern town.

②It has tall buildings and a new railway station.

Tell students that the first sentence is an opinion, and the second

one is a fact. Do you know what fact and opinion mean?

(3) Facts are true statements. They include names, dates, events and

numbers. Opinions tell what we believe, feel or think. When people

say something beginning with I think, I believe or I feel, or using

adjectives like good, bad, and terrible, that must be their opinion.

Step 2 Presentation(5分钟)

(1)?Ask students to open their books and turn to page 17. Then ask??

them to look at more examples.

(2)?T:When we write, we can use facts to support our opinions. We can

also give facts first, and then state our opinions. For example:

“My hometown is beautiful.” This is an opinion. “ There are green

?hills all around. A river runs through the centre of town.” This is a


Step 3 Practice(10分钟)

(1)?Ask students to complete Part A, then check the answers. And ask

“Why do you think it’s a fact / an opinion?”

(2)?Ask students to complete Part B, then check the answers together.

Step4 Activity(15分钟)

(1)?Pair work

Now we know the second and the sixth sentence from Part B are

opinions. Can you find some facts to support these opinions? Work

in pairs and discuss them.?

(2)?Group work

T: What do you think of our school? Work in a group of four, then

choose a leader to tell us your opinions. Don’t forget to give some

supporting facts.
