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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版八年级下册Task: Introducing a country下载详情
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1. Phrases: an island country, best time to visit, be made up of, have a long history, prepare for

2. Structures:

(1) The UK has always been famous for its museums.

(2) The UK also has many places of natural beauty, such as the Lake District.

(3) The best time to visit the UK is from May to September because its winter is wet and cold.

(4) The weather changes often there.

3. Students can write an introduction to a country with the help of the charts.Teaching methods: Task-Based?Language?TeachingTeaching ProceduresDesigning aimsStep1: Free talk

How much do you know about the UK?


Step2: Listen and answer

1. Which countries is the UK made up of?

2. When is the best time to visit the UK?文章中的国家名及个别生词比较难度,音频的播放可以矫正学生的发音,降低学生阅读的难度。同时,带着两个问题听,既使听力更有针对性,又使学生对文章有个大概的了解。Step3: Read and answer

1. What is the full name of the UK?

2. What’s its capital city London like?

3. What is one of the most famous palaces in the UK?

4. What has the UK always been famous for?

5. How is the weather in the UK?带着问题阅读,帮助学生进一步理解文章内容。

Step4: Find out the main idea of each paragraph.

Para.2:Introduce the views of the country

Para.3:Introduce the climate of the country


Step5: Explain the writing structure by completing the chart


Step6: Group Work: Introduce China to Amy’s family

So far, do you know how to introduce a country to your friend? Now, Amy and her family want to visit our China. Would you like to be their tour guide?

Enjoy a video about China.

Introduce Amy and her family’s travelling interests.

Introduce each group’s work.

Discuss in groups and give a talk.

Write a tour guide. Before writing, show an evaluation form. After writing, let students evaluate each group’s article

