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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版八年级下册Task: Introducing a country下载详情
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5. Present the writing result confidently.

Ⅳ Teaching content

a passage about the UK and try to write an article to introduce my country

Ⅴ Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty

1. The useful phrases and sentences

2. Let the students write the article successfully

Ⅵ Teaching procedures

Step1. Warm up: (2-3minutes)

Greetings: Good morning boys and girls, Today I’ll give you a special lesson. First, please watch and guess.

1. Watch a video:

Here is a video

T: Please guess what are the two officers doing ?


The UK’s prince Harry has got a baby!

T: It’s a special way, right? Isn’t amazing! So How much do you know about The UK?

(Purpose: Arouse the students’ curiosity of this lesson and create a kind of lively atmosphare and circumstances. I think it’s very important for the following parts.)

(Purpose: It makes the students go over what they learnt. I think it’s very important for the following parts.)

Step2. Presentation (6-8mins)

1. Pictures: Queen Elizabeth II


They are the rulers of the UK

Q: DO you want to know more about The UK?

2. About the country

Present a map of the world:

We know that China is in Asia. Here is Africa. Here is America. And here is Europe, The UK is in Europe. We can say The UK is a European country.

Present a map of the UK: From the map, we know the UK is an island country. Scotland, England, Wales are called Great Britain, The United Kingdom is made up of Great Britain and Northern Island.

Q: Do you know what the capital of England is? ---London!

Do you want to travel to the UK?

(Purpose: This step is used to lead out the new words, phrases and sentences, and help them memorize the meaning of them. Practise and prepare for the Task part. Make our lesson easier.)


