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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版八年级下册Task: Introducing a country下载详情
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IV Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty

1. Tell the general information about a country.

2. Use charts to organize ideas

3. Know how to write an introduction to a country.

V Teaching strategies

Task-based Language teaching, etc.

VI Teaching aids

Whiteboard, PPT, internet, etc.

VII Teaching procedures

Step 1. Lead-in

T:In Reading Part, we found a website called around the world in eight hours. We went to New York for a visit. What do you know about New York?

S: …

T: Today we will visit one more place. Let’s open the website and click the Tour icon.

Oh! You received a letter from the website. Let’s open it. Congratulations! You have the chance to visit the UK for free! Finish all the tasks, and win yourself a free ticket to the UK. Let’s click the Travel Info icon to finish the tasks.

T: Here are the three tasks for you. Let’s move on to Task 1. First let’s enjoy a video about the UK. What can you see in the video?

S: …

Step 2. Presentation: General information about the UK Task 1

Present pictures of the UK after watching the video, and describe the pictures.

(1) T: What can you learn from the picture?

“The UK” is the short form of “_____________________________________________”.

The UK is an________ country in _________.

It is made up of _______, ________, _______ and _______________.

London,_______________, is big and modern.

The_______ and _______ were once its __________.

(2)T: What places can we go in the UK and what can we see and do there?

The Buckingham Palace

The British Museum

The Lake District

(3) T: If you have the chance to visit to the UK, I have some tips for you.

________________ is ____________to visit the UK. ____________changes often there. So you’d better ___________it before you go there.

