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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版八年级下册Task: Charity work下载详情
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III. Teaching procedures

Step1. Lead-in

Watch a video about the introduction to ORBIS work.

Have a free talk.

What does this logo stand for?

How does ORBIS help?

Would you like to be one of them?

Step2. Presentation

Look at the pictures and find out the changes in Diana’s life.

The teacher gives some questions and ask students to find the answers in the report.

What was Diana’s job? Did she look happy?

Which did Diana like better, travelling by plane or by car?

Which programme is she watching?

Why did she learn about ORBIS?

Read and complete the table.

Ask students to read the report again and try to get the main ideas of each paragraph.

Underline the key words when reading.

Step3. Writing practice

How to write a report

Ask students to compare sentences and lead to the tip--When writing, give more details or examples to make your article vivid.

Introduce transitional words and emphasize the importance of using them in writing.

Write a report about an Indian girl helped by UNICEF.

Read the information and then make an outline.

Write a report according to the outline.

Read the sample writing.

Work in groups and modify your reports. First, correct mistakes. Second, improve sentences.

Step4. Summary

How to write a good composition?

Include all the points

No grammar mistakes
