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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版八年级下册Task: Charity work下载详情
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Encourage the students to answer:It stands for......

T:How does .....help people ?

Encourage the students to answer:It works.......... It helps..........

Step 2 Presentation

Show Diana’s pictures to the students.

T:ORBIS doctors and nurses do important work for poor people with eye problems.Today,we’re going to meet Diana,an ORBIS nurse.She used to be a secretary of a company.These pictures show the changes in Diana’s life.

1.Look at the pictures and play a guessing game..Let the students look at the pictures and answer the questions.

2.Can you describe these pictures in your own words?

Guide the students to describe the pictures with proper words.

picture1. Diana was a secretary of a company,but she did not look happy.

picture2. She was afraid of travelling by plane.

picture3. She learnt about ORBIS on TV.

picture4. She went to school for a special training as a nurse.

picture5. She works for ORBIS now.

picture6. She enjoys her work and looks happy.

Step 3 Practice

Let the students listen to Amy’s report and answer some questions.

2. Read Amy’s report and complete the table. Remember to put one word in each blank.

Changes in Diana’s life

In the past

worked as a (1) _______

was afraid of (2) ________

learnt about ORBIS on (3) ________

trained as a (4) ______ and attended (5) ______ after work

At present

gets used to (6) ________ by plane

(7) ________ being able to help people see again

makes her life more (8) ________

Work in groups and have a discussion .Try to get the main idea of each paragraph.

Paragraph 1
