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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版八年级下册Task: Charity work下载详情
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She is getting used to travelling by plane.

III. Teaching procedures

Step 1 check homework

1 Ask the leader of each team to report team members’ homework。

2 watch the graph indicating students’ homework and correct some mistakes c

3 listen and have a dictation to check previewed words


Step 2 Lead-in

Watch the video about ORBIS and UNICEF.

It works to provide children with food, houses, medicine and basic education.

It works to help people with eye problems.

Present an ORBIS nurse called Diana .Now she is a nurse and can you guess what was her job in the past ? Watch six pictures and find out what changed her.

【设计意图:两个小视频让学生加强对本课所学的international charities组织的进一步理解,激发学生的学习兴趣和为本课写作创设更多的情景,激发学生学习兴趣】

Step 3 Reading Comprehension

1.Listen and answer

Students listen to e-book电子课本 and read a report on Diana carefully. Try to find out what changed her .

And then look through the table on PPT, try to fill in the blanks according to the passage.

The teachers send a screenshot of the table to the students .(屏幕截图)

After finishing it , everyone student send the answers back to the pad .

Teacher look through all of the students on screen and choose four students randomly .(随机对比)

The other students can vote for (投票) the best students by submitting.

Compare with four students ’answers to find out the changes of Diana’s life .

2 Discuss the six pictures in groups .(抢答和小组分组功能)

They can ask any question about the story, and invite the other students to answer. They can get the answer from the report or add more details in your own words.

The teacher asks one member of each team to talk about one picture . The teacher gives them some questions like the following.

what was her life like?

Which does she like better, travelling by car or by plane?

In which way did she learn about ORBIS?

After learning about it, how did she feel and what did she do?

What is her life like now?
