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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版八年级下册Task: Charity work下载详情
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Ask students to say some items on charity work. e.g. Who is wiling to do the charity work? What kind of charity work can you introduce? Where do the volunteers do the charity work? How do you like the charity work?



Step 2 Read and learn

1. The following pictures are about Diana’s life. Read examples 1-3, and describe pictures 4-6 in your own words.

2. Read the sample writing again and think about the following questions.

How many parts can the report be divided into? What is each part about? How does Amy organize each paragraph?

3. Students are told to choose the summary for each part from the list.

4. Go through the sample writing and ask students to focus on how to organize the article.

5. In groups of 4, discuss how Amy presents her findings to the readers. Consider the following:

How she proves her points?

How she expresses her emotions?

How she prevents repetition in her writing?

How she connects her ideas smoothly?



Step 3 Write and share

1. In groups of 4, discuss Mandeep’s experience and prepare to write a report. Each student is asked to write one paragraph and share it with other group members in order to let others to read and try to help make the paragraph better.

2. In writing, students will evaluate the writing criteria to students, so that students can clearly define the basic objectives and specific requirements of writing tasks. The evaluation criteria combine with the teaching content of this lesson, highlighting the focus of this writing, and pointing out the direction for students to improve their writing level.



Step 4 Homework

Search for information on the Internet about UNICEF and write more reports about UNICEF if possible.
