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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版八年级下册Task: Charity work下载详情
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2. Organize the information in a logical way.

3. Write a report on Mandeep according to the information in pictures and outlines.

4. Experience the feeling of success and team spirit.

5. Be willing to do some charity work and help others.

Ⅳ. Teaching content

1. New words and phrases

2. Writing skills

Ⅴ. Focus of the lesson and predicated area of difficulty

1. New words and phrases

2. Writing skills

Ⅵ. Teaching Method

Task-based Method

Communicative Approach

Ⅶ. Teaching procedures

Step one: Warm-up and lead in (about mins)

Activity 1: Ask and answer in pairs (about…mins)

Let students ask and answer in pairs to talk about charities around the world that we learned in this unit.

What does the logo stand for?

What does it work to?

Design purpose: To set up a real language environment, and also to active the students and create a relaxing atmosphere and arouse the students’ interest in this topic, more important is to provide them with background knowledge about the topic.

Step two: Pre-writing

Activity 1: Describe the pictures

Say something about Diana’s life according to some pictures.

T: First, let’s look at some pictures. What did she do in the past? How did she go to work? What do you think of her life in the past? Did she look very happy? But what is she doing now? We can see she wears a smile on her face, so she enjoys her work now. But how did she learn about ORBIS? After learning about it, what did she do?

Design purpose: By asking some questions, the teachers will lead in some expressions to pave the way for the following activities.

Activity 2: Explain something about topic sentences

1. Self-study:

(1) Read the passage and underline the topic sentence of each paragraph.

(2) Match the main idea with each paragraph.

Para.1 feelings
