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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版八年级下册Task: Charity work下载详情
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2.T: Look at these two pictures. Can you guess Diana’s job in the past? As you see, she was an office lady, a secretary of a company. Did she look happy? Look at the second one. What does she do now? Does she look happy? Why doe s she change the job and what happened? Try to describe the pictures in your own words.

3.Continue to show other pictures.

Step 2 Reading Comprehension

1. Discuss the pictures

Students read the six pictures carefully.

The teacher gives six questions. Students read and underline the answers in the report:

what was her life like?

Which does she like better, travelling by car or by plane?

In which way did she learn about ORBIS?After learning about it, how did she feel and what did she do?

What is her life like now?

How does she feel about the changes?

2. Analyze th e structure of the article

T: Now please find the topic sentences of each paragraph, and get the main id ea of each paragraph.

3. To read the article in Part B,then fill in the table.

Step 3 Writing practice

1. Look at the book on Page 105 Part C.

Work in groups and talk about the Indian girl Mandeep.

Have the students pay attention to the structure and the key words and then write an article about Mandeep.

Step 4Showing time

Ask a student to write the article on the blackboard.

Read two students’ writing.

Talk about their writings and give advice.

V. Homework

1. Make your article better.

2. Put the best articles onto the wall and enjoy together.
