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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版九年级下册Integrated skills下载详情
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Step 1 lead-in

Watch a video and Talk about some places of the world

Step 2 Discussion

Discuss: Which country do you want to go ?

Discussing about the attractions the students wish to go to.

Step 3 Presentation

Watch a video about Japan

Present: Tokyo, the capital city

Mount Fuji, Japan’s highest mountain

Kyoto, an ancient city


Step 4 Listening

Part A1: Page15

Explain that the exchange students are going to visit Japan after visiting Shanghai.

Listen to Millie introducing their itinerary. Match the days on the left with their activities on the right.

Tip1: Before listening underline the key words and phrases .

Tip2: 1)Before listening we can fill in some of the blanks with given information.

2)Guess what we should fill in the blanks before listening.

After listening ask a student to check answers and then read together.


Explain that Miss Thompson is telling the exchange students about their trip to Japan. Kevin is

making notes. Listen carefully and help Kevin complete his notes.

Tip3: 1)Just write numbers instead of English while listening. For example: you can write ‘4.25 ‘for ‘25 April’

2)Write the beginning of the word to save time while listening. For example, you can write ‘Nat Mus ‘ for ‘National Museum’

Play the tape twice: for the students to complete the rest of the blanks.

Get them to read the information below and find more information.


Step 5 Writing

After completing the note, get the students to complete the trip . Use the information in PartA1 and A2. Then check the answers . Make sure that all the students get the answers right.

And then practice reading the article by themselves for about minutes. Get the students to read aloud the article in class. Praise them for correct pronunciation and intonation.