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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版九年级下册Integrated skills下载详情
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Step 2 Lead-in

To Talk about the places the exchange students have visited.

Step 3 Pre-listening

To learn about Japan while showing some pictures.

Step 4 While-listening

1. To go through the itinerary in A1, listen and match the days and activities

2. To to go through the notes in A 2, predict and fill in as much as we can .

3. To play the tape twice for the students to complete the rest of the blanks.

Step 5 Post-listening

Get them to read the information below and find more information.

2. After completing the note, get the student to write the the trip and check the answers in pairs. Make sure that all the students get the answers right.

To practice reading the article by themselves for about minutes and try to retell the trip with the help of some hints .


Step 1 Warm up

Have a guessing game

T: What a wonderful world! And what a wonderful Asia! There are 48 countries in Asia. Now let’s play a guessing game.

Step 2 Learn about Millie’s favourite Asian country

1. Learn some facts about India

T: How much do you know about India? S: …

T: You have got some knowledge of India. Let’s learn more.

T: What do you want to know about India? S: …

T: So we have learned about its location, capital city, languages, population, crops, main industries, customs and attractions.

2. Work in pairs to talk about India

T: Try to talk about India.

3. Help Millie complete the article

T: Millie is writing an introduction to India. Please help her complete the article.

T: What are Paragraph 1 and Paragraph 2 about? S: …

T: Well done! Paragraph 1 is about India’s location and capital city. Paragraph 2 is about its languages, population, crops and main industries. How about Paragraph 3 and Paragraph 4? S: …

T: Good job! Paragraph 3 is about India’s customs, while Paragraph 4 is about its attractions.

Find good words and sentences that Millie uses