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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版九年级下册Integrated skills下载详情
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This period is from Unit1 of 9B Oxford English. In this lesson, students will learn more about Japan by listening. They will collect information about different countries in Asia and talk about different countries in Asia

As a result ,their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills will be improved a lot.


To learn to use the useful expressions properly.

To improve the students’ ability of listening.

To improve the students’ ability of speaking and information collecting


Task-based approach and communicative approach.


In this lesson, the students are expected to develop the abilities of listening, speaking ,reading and writing. So the teacher arouses their enthusiasm of participating in pre-listening, while-listening and post-listening and helps them convert the knowledge gained by listening into listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. Students can also learn pleasantly and actively with the interactive electronic white board and the instant feedback system.

6 Teaching procedures

Step 1 : Lead in

Teacher show the students the map of Asia and talk about it to lead in

Step2: Presentation (Part A)

Invite students to talk about Japan

show some pictures of Japan to the students and introduce the main sights and culture of Japan

Listen and match the days with activites

Ask students to fill in the blanks with the information they already know before listening to A2

Listen to part A2 and finish the rest of the blanks

Take a picture of one student’s answer and check the answers with the other students

Read part A2 together

Ask students to complete Part A3 and check the answers.

Step 3: Practice

Play the game: guessing game about the countries in Asia

Students guess according to the descriptions of the places or some parts of the pictures

Show students some pictures about Singapore and lead them find the answer

Step 4 Presentation (Part B)

1. Close the books and listen to the recording. Ask what they know about Singapore from the dialogue.

2. Ask students to repeat the sentences after the recording, sentence by sentence. Then answer the question: What’s the population of Singapore?