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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版九年级下册Integrated skills下载详情
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4. Learn to arrange and describe a trip to somewhere.



Translante into English:

1. 在……观光旅游take a tour of 2.了解日本文化learn about Japanese culture

3.一座叫做…..的古城an ancient city called… 4.各种各样的all kinds of

5.旅途愉快have a nice trip 6.在东南亚in South East Asia

7.一个城市型国家 a city state 8. 国家博物馆 National Museum

9.动身去..leave for… 10.看景点see the main sights

11.乘长途汽车去take a coach to..= go to… by coach


Task1.Say something about Guilin

Task2.Speak up: 1. Listen and fill in the table

2.Read and act

3.Say something about Singapore

Singapore is in (东南亚). It’s very small.It’s (城市型国家). There are about (五百万)people there. Most people can (都能说英语和中文).


Task 3.Work in pairs

Task4.A trip to Japan

1.Listen and fill in the table 2.According to A 1 and fill in the blanks

Tokyo is the c_____ city of Japan. Mount Fuji is Japan’s h_____ mountain.K_______ is an ancient city of culture.China, Japan and Korea are all A____ countries. Every year visitors go s_________ around the Mount Fuji.Visitors can visit the ancient city of culture and see some Japanese art to learn more about Japanese c______.

3.Listen and complete the notes.(P15----A2)

(1)Listen and fill in the blanks1-8

(2)Listen and fill in the blanks 9-13

4.Read and complete the blanks.(P16----A3)

Task5.Read and Fill in the table

The exchange students’ trip to ①_________?



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