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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版九年级下册Reading 1: The first man to walk on the Moon下载详情
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1. Phrases: take his first flight, serve as, be chosen to, manage to, out of control, cut…short, the pride of

2. Structures:

(1) He became interested in flying when he took his first flight at the age of six.

(2) He and David Scott managed to join two spacecraft together for the first time in space.

(3) Armstrong received the order to cut the flight short.

(4) However, on their way back to the Earth, the spacecraft began spinning out of control. They collected Moon rocks to take back to the Earth for further research.

(5) When Apollo 11 returned, the whole world was waiting to greet them.

(6) He was the pride of the whole world

3. Students can guess the meanings of the new words correctly and their reading abilities can be greatly improved.

Teaching methods: Task-Based?Language?TeachingTeaching ProceduresDesigning aimsStep1: Revision

Review the 6 great men we talked about yesterday.

复习导入,便于学生理解与接受。用 “Why are these people great?”自然过渡到下一环节——单词的教授。

Step2: Lead in and teach new words and phrases

Ask students: Why are these people great? Today I’ll show you some great people in aerospace history.

He’s the first astronaut to travel to space.

Who is he? What is he famous for?Are you interested in him?

He’s Neil-Armstrong.He’s the first man to walk on the Moon.


Step3 Pre-reading

He used to be a pilot, through his hard work , he became an astronaut.

What do you think of him?

运用头脑风暴来激发学生的兴趣Step4 While -reading

Task1 Let’s read the article ,go through it.

How is the article organized? Obviously, it is organized in time order.

Match the main idea of each paragraph.

Task2 further reading

Read Para1-2 carefully to know something about Neil Armstrong.

What can people do after getting the pilot’s licence? Fly an aircraft.

It is difficult to get a pilot’s licence. But Armstrong did it at 16! What do you think of him? Interest can be a very good teacher !

To accom plish great things, in addition to dream, you must act.
