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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版九年级下册Reading 1: The first man to walk on the Moon下载详情
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A picture about the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Brazil.

Step 2 Pre-reading

1. Some pictures about different colours.

T: How do you feel when you see the following colours?

Colours may influence our moods and make us feel happy or sad, energetic or sleepy. They represent different characteristics.

2. Understand some new words

Show some pictures and try to teach the new words that may affect the Ss’ understanding of the passage.

Part B1 on Page 24.

Step 3 While-Reading

1. Skimming

(1) Skim the whole passage and find out the main idea of the passage

T: There are many colours around us. How many colours are mentioned in the article? What are they?

2. Detailed reading

(1) Read Calm colours carefully and fill in the table

T: Different colours represent different characteristics. Then what can different colours do? Read calm colours carefully and then fill in the table.

(2) Read Warm colours and answer the questions.

T: Discuss the questions and fill in the table.

How do you feel when you see the warm colours? What do orange and yellow represent?

What can orange help?

(3) Read Energetic colours and Strong colours and do T or F questions.

T: Warm colours can cheer us up. What can green and red do? Read and do T or F questions.

Red is the colour of heat and represents nature.

Green is only the colour of nature and new life.

Green can give us energy.

Red can help you make a decision.

Wearing red won’t help you if you need strength.

Step 4 Post-Reading

1. Match the colours with what they represent.

T: Can you remember what the different colours represent. Match them correctly.

2. Advice for Millie’s friends
