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师梦圆初中英语教材同步人教版七年级上册Section B 2a—3b Self check下载详情
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Play a guessing game about the price of the skirt. First, I will give you a range of the right price.And then, when a student stands up and give me your answer,the range will be smaller and smaller. When the student says out the right answer, the game finished. Step2?Presentation

Have a revision about the numbers

Have a revision about the words and sentences

Step3?Reading Comprehension

Read and memorize the article in 2b and then I will ask some students to retell the passage.

Fill in the blanks and complete the passage with your partner and practice it in a group and act it out in front of the whole class.

After reading and retell, find four sentences about advertisement.

Summary the writing model of the advertisement.


Present the picture of 3a and fill in the blanks according to the picture.(Now read the ad for Huaxing clothes store and find out what things you can buy at there.)


We have learned two ads for clothes store. Next, suppose you are next door to Huaxing,work in a group of four ,write and design your own ads on the piece of paper.(The students design and write their own ads. While they are writing, the teacher should move around the classroom and gives language supports as needed.) Ask two or three students to read out their essay and correct their mistakes.

Step6 Production

Ask the students to describe what these people are wearing today.

Ask the students to put the sentences into right order and practice it in a group.


You are a waiter in a clothes store, design an advertisement for the clothes store.
