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高一上册《Unit 4 Entertainment》新课标教案优质课下载

I. Analysis of teaching material:

This reading passage is an excerpt from the novel Mandy and Angela Go to Europe which took place in a TV quiz programme. Since it’s a story, the teacher could encourage students to find the three elements of a story (setting, characters and plot) through skimming and scanning, and then elicit from students the characteristics of the plot (beginning, development, climax and ending).

It’s worth mentioning that the title of the article is one of the teaching points. In the title “Surprises at the studio”, the key word is “Surprises”, which creates the tension in the story. In such a story, there are three surprises altogether, reflecting the main plot. Students can be guided to exploit the title to understand what happened in the story better.

II. Teaching objectives:

At the end of this period, students are expected to:

1. get a general idea of the whole text through the three elements of a story: setting, characters and plot;

2. understand the leading characters’ personalities by paying attention to the use of different verbs: whisper, faint, shout, gasp, boom, etc;

3. raise their awareness of taking a proper attitude towards challenge.

III. Teaching methods:

Task-based language teaching & Communicative language learning

IV. Teaching aids:

Multi-media, blackboard, chalks, worksheets

V. Teaching procedures:

Stage 1 Pre-reading

Step 1 (3min):

Greet and assign a matching task by presenting four pictures and their names:

a music programme

a weather programme

the news

a quiz programme

Stage 2 While-reading

Step 1 (3min):

Ask students to skim the passage and find answers to the three questions:

1. When did the story happen?

2. Where did the story happen?